Journal Preprints

After America

Posted by Bill Kuhns

Bill Kuhns

What was once America is remembered by all

Despite no one with an inkling why it had to fall

It collapsed in the stages of cracks spreading through a fine glass dome

Its devastation, they say, a mirror to the ruin that once consumed Rome

That string of fascists who tried to hold America together– 

Was it them, or some distemper in the nation’s psychic weather?

The shooting bouts so long predicted never came to be

Americans fought Americans with info-treachery

Came that long stalemated period, what some called civil war

States succumbing to resentments and contentments, as oceans found their shore

 In time fifty young nation states got rebranded to appeal

Until a beaming young face shone from every new state seal

Vegas was one-upped by WeCanSin

Couples were wooed by Kississippi and HitchAgain

Mosques flourished in Kentuckistan

So did lotteries in TakesUs and the Dollarinas and Fairyland

Qualibornia and Gohio pitched themselves as fountains of wealth

Much as Musclechusetts and Wellaska shone as beacons of health

Come anytime – come early or come late

You’ll find yourself in your most perfect state

Learn what enlightened splintering can do

Discover an exponentially expanded you,

Come one – come those who want it all

Hustle on over to the Continental Mall

How hard they worked to prime a broken pump!

An exercise like painting orchids on a dump

What a scammy salesman had once, originally wrought

The wreckage of a once great nation sought

Why had it gone so wrong? A throng of hustlers wondered

Not knowing that when winnings are all, the very soul is plundered

And the cities? Those endured. Never again did any thrive

The smart ones who moved out were grateful to get out alive

Among rebranded states, no longer do you hear America’s name

It’s not forgotten – it’s the tidal scum forever seeping from a sea of shame 

Once the grandeur of America bound it to the golden age of Greece and Rome

Today its remnants are no place for any soul aflame with aspiration to call home 

Bill Kuhns
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