Thomas J. Farrell University of Minnesota Duluth Abstract: In this short article with a long title (and a lengthy abstract), I highlight the thought in three sources in particular: (1) Pope Francis’ 2024 encyclical in detail, (2) Robert Moore’s account of the masculine Lover archetype and the feminine Lover archetype in detail, and (3)
Abstract: In this article, I use the work of the late Jungian psychotherapist and psychological theorist Robert Moore (1942-2016; Ph.D. in religion and psychology, University of Chicago, 1975) of the Chicago Theological Seminary on the eight archetypes of maturity in the human psyche and their sixteen associated bipolar “shadow” forms to construct a Jungian psychological
Abstract: In my wide-ranging and lengthy article “John F. Kennedy’s Sexual Promiscuity, Robert Moore’s Thought About the Archetypes of Maturity, and Walter J. Ong’s Thought About Secondary Orality,” I discuss the general topics named in the overly long title. For my account of John F. Kennedy’s sexual promiscuity, I rely on the American journalist Maureen
Kaede Ashizawa York University ABSTRACT: How do we envision Asian futurism? How does the West, the historically domineering face of global modernity and speculative futures, ontologically and epistemologically trame Asian modernity? These questions are explored in techno-Orientalism, a branch of Edward Said s Onentalism, initially coined in 19/8. The concept of techno-Unentalism emerged trom
Konstantin VekuaAssociate ProfessorSchool of Humanities and Social SciencesGeorgian International University, Abstract Toronto School of Communication Theory is not only a success story but also a vision and practice of creating and building the country’s intellectual future. For decades, scholars at Canada’s leading university have contributed to their homeland’s original development, choosing the paradigm of
Thomas J. Farrell University of Minnesota Duluth Abstract: In this essay, I succinctly highlight and critique Matt Richtel’s article “It’s Time to Talk About Pornography, Scholars Say: More adolescents than ever are watching it. What’s needed, researchers say, are frank conversations and ‘porn literacy’” (dated December 12, 2024) in The New York Times. To
Bill Kuhns What was once America is remembered by all Despite no one with an inkling why it had to fall It collapsed in the stages of cracks spreading through a fine glass dome Its devastation, they say, a mirror to the ruin that once consumed Rome That string of fascists who tried to
Thomas J. Farrell University of Minnesota Duluth Abstract: Abstract: In this extremely associative and wide-ranging and at times deeply personal essay, I probe the work of the famous prolific Swiss psychiatrist and psychological theorist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), with special attention to what he referred to as fantasy thing involving images and associative thing
Thomas J. Farrell University of Minnesota Duluth Abstract: In my 6,800-word essay, I highlight the public lectures that the Swiss psychiatrist and psychological theorist C. G. Jung (1875-1961) gave in 1939-1940 in Zurich on St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises and certain related works by Jung. In 2023, Princeton University Press published Jung’s 1939-1940 lectures
A Review of Chase Joynt’s Vantage Points: On Media as Trans Memoir (2024, Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 256 pages) By William Kuhns “…my kind of study in communication is a study of transformation…”