New Explorations Weblog is proud to be the home of these special serialized features of posts and articles:
McLuhan’s Mileau
This series will link to full, archived copies of literary articles cited by Marshall McLuhan in his published and unpublished work, as well as articles which illuminate art criticism and historical commentary of the modernist age.
Andrew McLuhan Teaches Understanding Media Intensive
Understanding Media Intensive is a 12-part look at media theorist Marshall McLuhan’s major 1964 work “Understanding…
The Best is Yet to Come
A book is a beginning. In the last decade, when some might have said the book…
McLuhan on phenomenology in LOM
Phenomenology is treated ambiguously in McLuhan’s posthumous Laws of Media, which was edited and co-authored by…
Urban Upset and the Pandemic?
With the plane the cities began to have the same slender relation to human needs…
This series catalogues fond reminiscences of Marshall McLuhan by friends and colleagues.
Andrew McLuhan Teaches Understanding Media Intensive
Understanding Media Intensive is a 12-part look at media theorist Marshall McLuhan’s major 1964 work “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man,” taught by Andrew McLuhan, Director of The McLuhan Institute. In an age where our media environment conditions and structures our…
The Best is Yet to Come
A book is a beginning. In the last decade, when some might have said the book was dead, books have really come alive for me. Some may be inclined to say that books are not living things—but I know differently: books,…
McLuhan on phenomenology in LOM
Phenomenology is treated ambiguously in McLuhan’s posthumous Laws of Media, which was edited and co-authored by his son, Eric. On the one hand, it is seen as an abstract attempt1 to achieve what could not, in McLuhan’s view, be achieved in this…
Urban Upset and the Pandemic?
With the plane the cities began to have the same slender relation to human needs that museums do. They became corridors of showcases echoing the departing forms of industrial assembly lines. – Understanding Media, 1964 Centralism depends on margins that…